dimanche 12 août 2012

Hans van Hemert: "VPRO and Wim van der Linden made LUV' famous"

The latest issue of Privé Magazine features an article on Hans van Hemert reviewing the past 35 years of Luv'. The producer brought José, Patty and Marga together. In early 1978, Dutch TV channel VPRO commissioned him to write the theme song for the TV series "Het is weer zo laat (Waldolala)". Then TV director Wim van der Linden suggested him to let it record by Luv'. At first, Van Hemert wasn't convinced by this idea as the group's first singles "My Man" and "Dream, Dream" didn't achieve the desired results. "U.O.Me (Welcome to Waldolala)" became an instant hit and was the ladies' breakthrough. The rest is history.

Source: Privé, Mediacourant.nl

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