samedi 9 novembre 2019

Hans & José: The Way Old Friends Do!!!

On November 4th, Luv's father Hans van Hemert and his former protégée José Hoebee had lunch at the Quatre Bras restaurant in Best, Netherlands. Until recently, the two of them were not on speaking terms. They met last summer backstage at a Luv' show (see news posted August 23rd, 2019). They decided to bury the hatchet.

Pictures of this happy moment were posted on Facebook. Hans and José expressed satisfaction about their reunion on social media. A former friend of José's son, Rob Kemps (of the popular Dutch party band Snollebollekes) and his music publisher Robin Logjes were present as well.

Rob Kemps (Snollebollekes), José Hoebee, Robin Logjes and Hans van Hemert

The Luv' singer and her former Pygmalion have often clicked. Their best memory is the recording of the song entitled "Mother Of The Hearts" in 1980. This emotional track has a special meaning to HansJosé recorded it in one take. She often mentioned this story in interviews.

What a pity that De Telegraaf or Jan Uriot don't mention this good news!!!

Source: Facebook (José Hoebee Fan Page, Hans van Hemert)

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