samedi 22 décembre 2018

RTL Late Night Met Twan Huys (feat. De Week van Patty): latest viewing figures

Yesterday, RTL 4's talk show "RTL Late Night Met Twan Huys" (featuring Patty Brard as a media expert) drew 770.000 viewers (market share: 17.9%). Dutch singers Davina Michelle and Douwe Bob, as well as illusionist Hans Klok, were among the guests of the show. The ex-Luv' singer discussed several subjects in her segment "De Week van Patty": La Brard's victory on Het Perfecte Plaatje (see news posted earlier today), Meghan Markle (Duchess of Sussex married to Prince Harry) and the tensions in the British Royal Family, Roxeanne Hazes who was strongly criticized after her participation in the game show "De Slimste Mens" and Frekkel (the little dog which appears in the latest campaign of the Dutch national lottery). 

Click here to watch De Week van Patty

The diva also told Davina Michelle that she should represent the Netherlands at the next Eurovision Song Contest

Gerard Joling sang his Christmas hit "Christmas on the dancefloor":

Patty posted backstage pictures on her Instagram account:

Gerard Joling, Patty Brard & Hans Klok

Hans Klok, Patty Brard, Gerard Joling, Douwe Bob and Twan Huys

Source: RTL 4, SKO, Patty Brard on social media

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