mardi 30 juin 2015

Patty Brard's latest news: Bonje met de buren, Havendagen Terneuzen, Jaap Buijs, Shownieuws

* SBS 6 decided to rerun "Bonje met de buren" (a popular reality series featuring Patty Brard and Jochem van Gelder who solve problems between neighbours). On June 28th, the repeat of the first episode drew 844.000 viewers (market share: 14.3%). These are better viewing figures than the first broadcast (see news posted on August 18th, 2014). 

Source: SBS 6, SKO

* Patty gave a performance during the "Havendagen" festival in Terneuzen, NL on June 27th. Here are a couple of pictures of her gig:


* On June 28th, music manager Jaap Buijs died. He handled the careers of famous Dutch acts such as George Baker Selection, Jan Smit, Nick & Simon, 3JS and many others. Patty posted a nice message on Facebook to pay tribute to him:

Translation in English: "I'm shocked, it went so fast. We're gonna miss him so much in the artistic world. R.I.P Jaap!"

Source: Patty Brard's Facebook Page

* Yesterday, the 11.00 P.M edition of "Shownieuws" featured Beau van Erven Dorens as the anchor with Patty Brard and Maurice Wijnen as experts. SBS 6 entertainment news show attracted 861.000 viewers (market share: 21.7%).

Source: Patty Brard's Facebook Page, SBS 6, SKO

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