samedi 3 juillet 2021

The first episode of "K*T Kanker" (Chimène van Oosterhout's documentary) posted on YouTube!

Collage by Marco Rens

Four months ago, Chimène van Oosterhout revealed on social media the trailer of a documentary series entitled "K*T Kanker" (F***ing Cancer in Dutch). 2020 was a bad year for the multi-talented media personality: Luv' stopped their activities, the Covid-19 pandemic compromised her career and above all, Chimène was diagnosed with breast cancer for the third time. Prior to this trailer, the classy lady never mentioned her health issues to her followers and in the media after Luv's break-up. This news came as a shock. That explains why the former Luv' singer kept a low profile for almost a year.

Read the article posted on March 2nd, 2021: All About LUV' (past, present, future and more): K*T Kanker: Chimène van Oosterhout's fight against cancer (

Earlier today, Chimène announced on her Instagram account and Facebook page that the first episode of "K*T Kanker" was posted on her YouTube channel: 

In the first episode of this minimalist video diary, Chimène discusses her MRI scan, her puncture and her preparation for her chemotherapy. Seated on a couch, she recorded her experiences, thoughts and feelings illustrated with images of her exams and treatment steps. 

The documentary is straightforward and not sensationalist. Chimène shares the hellish journey she has been through, in the hope that she can help someone with it.

Her friends and fans are proud of her and love her!!!!

Source: Chimène van Oosterhout on social media (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram)

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