vendredi 30 avril 2021

RoddelPraat: Patty Patty Patty!!!!

Jan Roos & Dennis Schouten

Dutch media personality Jan Roos and his sidekick Dennis Schouten diss every week Patty Brard in the "Patty Patty Patty" section of their RoddelPraat show on YouTube.

On the April 14th broadcast of the entertainment news show, the RoddelPraat guys talked about the ex-Luv' singer's mobile phone number that had been leaked (see news posted on April 8th, 2021). 

On the April 21st broadcast, the RoddelPraat duo discussed Patty's forthcoming bunionectomy (see news posted on April 17th, 2021). The diva posted a picture of her hallux valgus on Instagram. She will be operated on May 19th. During the broadcast, Jan and Dennis also explained that their RoddelPraat show was in danger as they didn't follow YouTube guidelines. According to these mavericks, the end of their program might also be due to the cancel culture. That's why they urged their viewers to donate so that they could go on.

The following week, on April 28th, the gentlemen announced that they were allowed to continue RoddelPraat thanks to their fans' support. During this broadcast, they mentioned a recent video of Patty and her new dog Bobbie on Instagram. Jan couldn't stand the way the Shownieuws star used a childish voice to talk to her puppy as she weighed him.

Source:  RoddelPraat (YouTube)

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